Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dorfus Pottysprinkles

Now, you should know this came to me in an email and I'm not one to post about an email, that seems silly, but after I read my friend who was the sender of said email's name, I couldn't help but share this with the world. (Or the 2 people that may read this blog on occasion.) I promise this is so worth the laugh. I, for the record, am Boobie Chickenhead, but the person that sent this to me (who I miss dearly, as I have not laughed nearly as hard as I did with her) is named Dorfus Pottysprinkles and I dedicate this post to her. Love You!
The following is excerpted from a children's book, Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names... So:-

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:
a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesey
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = dumbo
h = farcus
i = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dinky
z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = dippin
b = feather
c = batty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l= fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = hubble
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = head
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u = sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice

So...what's your new name???


Russell Family said...

Tootsie Dippinhiney! That's great!

Angie said...

dumbo dippindunkin, ya, that's me!

Jen Rose said...

Funny!! sloopy pottyfanny!
I haven't forgotten about you...I am going to call you tomorrow! :)

Jeannie said...

Snickle Dippintush. That's me!

barlows said...

haha, Jen Rose's is WAY better then mine (small world, btw!) Dorfus Dippindoodle. Thank you very much. You can just call me double D.

Dandy said...

I think I got the worst of it.

My first name is Liver.

Liver Lizardsprinkles!