I know it's been a while, but I am feeling the need EVERYDAY to be a better family record keeper. So, here's to resolutions and a new year.
I picked the boys up after work a few weeks ago and Anthony was so excited to show me what he had made at preschool. A book that I LOVE and will treasure forever.
The Story of Christmas... I busted right into the story. First the angel, then the stable, because there was no room at the inn, then of course the precious birth of the baby Jesus.
At this point in the story, Anthony grew rather impatient and wanted me to get to his favorite part so he flipped ahead to the last page. (Scroll to see the last page.) Here's my reaction... "Uh, so... Great job buddy. Are... Uh... Buzz, Woody and Potato head, the... Uh... Wise Men? I mean I guess they're pretty wise...?..." Anthony looks at me like I'm a total idiot for thinking they're supposed to be the Wise Men.
"No, Mom. They awe pwesents, because its Jesus' birthday."
"OH, I SEE!" Great job buddy, great job.
I laughed for 2 days straight. Hilarious.
The second bit of confusion came as we were helping Anthony practice the line he was to deliver as a wise man in his preschool program. Tony started out, hoping to prompt Anthony in remembering what he was to say.
Tony: I have brought Gold.
Anthony: I have bwought Fwankensence.
I thought I'd finish this one off by throwing in: I have brought Myrrh.
Anthony: No, you brought pizza, Carter bwought Myrrh.
Me: ...?
Needless to say, it's been quite the entertaining Christmas season. I have loved watching Anthony and Carter get excited about it. Anthony got a nasty flu bug right before Christmas and was almost too sick to care at all about what Santa brought, but he has perked up. Now, we'll see how much partying we'll get done on tomorrow for NYE.
What's NOT up?
13 years ago
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