Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mmm, Mmm, Good!

Solid food has been our newest adventure. We were given the green light, so we started with a little wall paper paste, oh, oops, I mean Rice Cereal! For all he cares it is wall paper paste. He squished it around in his mouth for a second, the out it came!

Cereal Prep...
Cereal Spit...
Clinging to the chair for dear life... GET ME OUT OF HERE!
When all was said and done, I did nurse him afterwords, as to follow the doctor's instruction. Although I didn't capture that with the camera, he did have a look on his face as to say "OH, Thank Heaven!" A little relief that I wasn't taking that away from him!
So a week or so past and we started veggies. Peas were the first veggie encounter. He actually ate them! And, from what I can tell, I think he likes them!

Ok, so maybe he's wearing a little more that he ate?!?

Pea Smile

Leaning in for more! Oh Yeah!

And for good measure, Tony figured if he can Rice Cereal, and Peas, why not a little licorice?

MMMMM, Licorice!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Nice pics...aren't the kiddo's SO funny when they eat food! I guess they've never done it before, but still! I like the pics of his peas face...It is perfect for Halloween with the outfit too!!! And the licorice is a staple around here too!!! I'm going to post a video clip of Addie stealing licorice out of Chris's mouth and chowing!!!