Thursday, July 16, 2009


These two antagonize each other, just like siblings. If Scout was a tiny dog, she'd have NO shot. But since she's got Anthony by about 75 lbs, she's gonna be just fine. This is mild on the torture scale, he's usually chasing her around with a bat, flashlight, toilet plunger, chain saw, anything that he can get his little grubbies on. Not really on the chain saw. I walked into the bedroom to see this, and hollered at them. "CHILDREN!"They both stopped and looked at me, and although neither one can actually say "what?" I will maintain that I did hear that word from this look. And then I crawled down on the floor and squeezed both of them. Wonder baby loves Sesame Street. It's the only thing he actually ever watches. I try to not keep the TV on much but when I need a few minutes (or hours) to clean...Sesame works great. This is usually how I find him. I took this photo, then crawled onto the floor to squeeze him. Then he pushed me away. His show was on. I know he loves me. Just not more than Texas Telly.


Andrea said...

I want to squeeze him, too!

Dandy said...

Your kids are adorable!