Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to work!

went back to work today... like 1st day of school... felt i should have a pencil box... love my job, love it more if it were from home... only cried when i dropped him off... not bad, proud of myself... long long long day... uuuuugggggghhhhhh... 4 o'clock rolls around, ready to RUN out the door, oh wait, of course, rodger still has a patient... UUUUURRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH. HURRY!... actually asked asked tony to go gamble and win millions so we don't have to work, very unlike me... not so big on the gambling... i lived... aaaahhhhh, home... held baby tight for an hour... didn't let go... best part of my day... husband, baby, dog... family... best part of my day... do it again tomorrow...


Candace said...

It does get easier! I went back to work for the first year after Jax was born. Once you know he is happy and is being taken care of it will get easier! But I do remember that first day...I sent Russ to his grandma's to drop Jax off. I couldn't do it.

Meg said...

Oh are brave! I hope that going to work only gets better for you. That would be SO stinking hard! I hope Tony wins big! Hang in there! Loves.

The Wells Family said...

Oh my GOODNESS! I remember the very feeling and the very day I had to go back to work after I had Bobby. I cried ALL day and it seriously felt 10x worse than giving being pregnant, labor & delivery. Seriously. You are a trooper! I will be thinking of you.