is my best atempt at an update! I'm gonna start slow and work my way up, so let's see how this goes!
We'll start out with were we left off...waaaay back in October. We had a great visit from our friends, Chris, Megan and Addie Hart. We had a great time! We shopped, shopped, ate and shopped, then ate some more! Poor Chris for enduring the shopping. And, I feel a little bad that we were such home bodies, (no shows, no doing out to dinner, just boring old home) but lately I've discovered with the baby(ies) home is so much easier. We can eat, they can (at the time roll) crawl around on the floor. I don't have to worry about Mr. Squirm Worm wiggling out of a high chair. Poor Addie had no choice...she's pretty highchair-y, AJ, not so much, especially at that time, he wasn't even sitting up by himself. Now, it's a little better (not much...which I will elaborate on in a later post). So here are a few of the kiddos hanging out together.

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